About Yucai's Volunteer Program

Yucai has been providing older students volunteering opportunities since the school was established in 2007. Most of the volunteers served in the classrooms and hallways or helped at the Chinese New Year celebration party. These volunteers have been tremendously helpful. In return, the volunteers learned to communicate with adults independently, be responsible for the tasks assigned to them, prioritize their schedules, overcome frustration, and become accountable.  

Many parents also volunteered at Yucai, especially for the Chinese New Year celebration party. The examples they set had a profound impact on their children's attitude toward community service and good work habits. 

In 2020, Yucai was approved to be a certifying organization that can review and verify a volunteer's hours. This allows us to distribute the President's Volunteer Service Award to our outstanding volunteers. This award was founded by the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation to recognize the important role of volunteers in America’s strength and national identity. The award honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them to take action. The winners will receive a customized certificate, choice of pin, coin, or medallion, and congratulatory letter from the president. Any five-years or older volunteers (US citizens or lawfully admitted permanent resident) can apply for this award if they meet the required hours listed in the table below to receive Presidential recognition for volunteer hours served over a 12-month period (January 1st to December 31st). To apply for this award through Yucai, you must serve us a minimum of 10 hours per semester. Other organizations you served must be legally established in the United States. The application deadline is January 10th of each year. You can download the hour track form and submit your application to Yucai by email.

Age Group Bronze (h/year) Silver (h/year) Gold
Kids (5-10) 26-49 50-74 75+
Teens (11-15) 50-74 75-99 100+
Young Adults (16-25) 100-174 175-249 250+
Adults (26+) 100-249 250-499 500+
Anyone volunteed 4000+ hours over y ears can apply for the Lifetime Achievement Award


Due to the pandemic and increased cost, Yucai has made every effort to maintain the continuity of classes, even with reduced class sizes. We have managed to keep tuition costs low, extending our reach to every student eager to learn. However, the current high inflation rates present us with the challenge of compensating our teachers adequately to retain them. Furthermore, there is a pressing need to purchase or upgrade our technology to enhance student learning. Consequently, fundraising has become a critical necessity. We are seeking adult volunteers who can guide younger volunteers in soliciting donations and applying for grants. If you are interested in contributing to our fundraising efforts or mentoring younger volunteers, we would be delighted to hear from you.